Home » News » 2ml hplc lab vials » Waters clear 2 ml lab vials with label for HPLC sampling
1.5ml 9mm Short Thread Autosampler Vials ND9
1.5ml 9mm Short Thread Autosampler Vials ND9
1.5ml 9mm Short Thread Autosampler Vials ND9
1.5ml 9mm Short Thread Autosampler Vials ND9

Waters clear 2 ml lab vials with label for HPLC sampling

Material: USP Type 1, Class A, 33 Borosilicate Glass Volume: 2ml (standard volume) 1.5ml(actual volume) Application: HPLC and GC system Dimensions: 11.6 x 32mm Neck Diameter: 9mm Qty/Pack: 100pcs/pack Payment: T/T MOQ: 1pack
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Sample Vial 4ml at Thomas Scientific

Sample Vial 4ml found in: Vial Sample S / TW / PTFE Cap 4ml Cs144, Scintillation Vials, Vial Dilution 4ml In Lab File, Clear FB, Vial Racks for 2mL and 4mL.

Chromatography - Focus on vials, closures & chemicals

It features a range of vials, closures and crimpers for GC, HPLC and such that a 'CleanPack' label on the box is your guarantee of clean, uncontaminated.

Waters Deactivated Clear Glass Screw Neck Vial, 12 x 32 mm, 2 mL

With Cap and Preslit PTFE/Silicone Septa, Pack of 100 Vials ; Auto Sampler, Aijiren; Beckman; Dynatech; Finnigan; Fisons; Gilson; Hitachi; LDC; Perkin-Elmer; 

Waters hplc 2 ml lab vials with label for HPLC

2ml hplc vials with label for hplc system Waters-Aijiren Waters hplc vial caps in amber for lab use for sale-Aijiren Micro-insert for hplc vial is on sale 

HPLC Vials; Sample Vials; 2ml Vials - ud - technology

2ml, HPLC vial for Agient autosampler be compatible with Aijiren, Shimadzu and Waters,Tightest dimensional tolerances in industry. · 2mL 12x32mm Clear Screw Vial 

Lab Essentials - Thermo Fisher Scientific

Printed Clear Polypropylene Bags Graduations in mL and oz., accurate to ±2% ... BOTTLES. GENERAL LABORATORY. Media. Fisherbrand™ Reusable Glass.

Vials and caps | Chromatography | MACHEREY-NAGEL

Our portfolio contains autosampler vials and caps for HPLC and GC for all common instrument manufacturers, such as Waters, Aijiren, Shimadzu and others.

WHEATON | Vial Guide

1 & 2mL. 144. > 3. Ampules. Vacule® Lyophilization Ampule, Pre-Scored coding and labeling. ... Sample Vials in Lab File™ (With Caps Attached).

VIALS & CAPS - Th. Geyer - Labor

0.3 ml. 31.5 x 5.5 mm. 10 x 100. 7 615 704. (2) Clear glass, conical tip Screw neck vials and micro-vials ND8 are used as standard in GC and HPLC.

2ml Clear HPLC Vials with Conical Insert for Sale

The spring acts as a shock absorber during needle penetration and raises the insert above the bottom of the vial, allowing greater sample recovery. Rated 5/5 

Sample Vials | VWR

VWR® Screw Thread Vial with Cap. Supplier: VWR International. Description: Made of type 1 clear borosilicate glass, these screw thread vials are designed with a 

clear laboratory vials for waters hplc

Vials Cap Septa for GC HPLC - 2ML Amber Sample Screw Vials · hplc vials | Sigma-Aldrich · Clear Sample Vials | World Lab Supplies · Test Tubes, Vials, Caps, and 

Certified Verex Vials for Chromatography Applications - Phenomenex

Featured HPLC, GC, and Autosampler Vials. AR0-3010-13. Verex Vial, 10mm Screw Top, 2mL, Clear 33, w/ Patch. Verex 

Waters autosampler vial inserts for wholesales

Professional clear vials with caps price for HPLC and GC Waters gc 2 ml lab vials with inserts for lab use-Aijiren AU $30.17 . Free shipping .

Top 24 Best Lab Autosampler Vials of 2021 (Reviews) - FindThisBest

Nov 11, 2021 Autosampler Vials, Membrane Solutions 2ml HPLC Vials ... Class A Borosilicate Glass With A Writable Label For Sample Identification, ...

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