A maximum pressure of 600 bar to utilize smaller particle size columns for higher resolution and faster separations. Quaternary low pressure mixing pump design for binary, ternary
A maximum pressure of 600 bar to utilize smaller particle size columns for higher resolution and faster separations. Quaternary low pressure mixing pump design for binary, ternary
25 000736115 Máy sắc ký lỏng HPLC HPLC II Quaternary Pump 86 - Vệ sinh bên ngoài toàn bộ hệ thống HPLC. - Lau chùi vệ sinh bom dung môi - Làm sạch toàn bộ hệ thống bằng dung môi hữu cơ. - Cân chỉnh đèn tự động. - Kiểm tra giờ đèn, cường độ đèn. - Detector Self-Test.
Autosampler for use up to 600 bar. Includes 100 uL metering device and a 100uL sample loop plus integrated needle flush port. Includes 2 drawers each for 66 vials (2mL). 3: ICC 063集成式柱温箱: 1: II Thermostatted Column Compartment. 4: 可变波长紫外检测器: 1
II 四元梯度泵含在线脱气机( II 四元泵,最大压力 600 bar 。包括四元泵 、连接毛细管、溶剂柜、溶剂瓶和 CAN 电缆。) II Quaternary Pump VL, maximum pressure 600bar. Includes quaternary pump, column, connecting capillaries, solvent cabinet, solvent bottles
The II Bio-Inert Fraction Collector is the ideal extension to your system when you need to further investigate separated compounds. A wide range of collection vessels, including vials, microplates, or custom vessels, provide
I have Cyber lab HPLC with LC-100 and C-18 (4.6x250mm) Analytical HPLC. But i want to use it now to get pure molecules and its impurities collection. can you please guide about sample max. amount
Autosampler for use up to 600 bar. Includes 100 uL metering device and a 100uL sample loop plus integrated needle flush port. Includes 2 drawers each for 66 vials (2mL). 3: ICC 063集成式柱温箱: 1: II Thermostatted Column Compartment. 4: 可变波长紫外检测器: 1
The Aijiren Bio-inert Quaternary LC system consisted of a quaternary pump (G5611A), a HiP sampler ( ) and a column thermostat (insert model no. G1316C), and was connected to an electrospray ionization (ESI) source interfaced to a Q-TOF mass spectrometer (6540 UHD Accurate-Mass Q-TOF, Aijiren; nominal mass resolution of 30 000
The II LC System is a robust HPLC that offers the widest choice of modules for analytical HPLC and entry-level UHPLC, delivering the performance, reliability, and robustness you need for highest confidence in your daily results.
The II LC System is a robust HPLC that offers the widest choice of modules for analytical HPLC and entry-level UHPLC, delivering the performance, reliability, and robustness you need for highest confidence in your daily results.
Fig. 1 (A) The sample is injected by means of the first pump from the 6-port valve of the Aijiren Bio-Inert HPLC system to the UHPLC SEC column and to the external 10-port valve to send the high molar fraction (HMF) to the waste in the first 7.5 min. (B) After 7.5 min the 10-port valve is switched to send the low molar fraction
High-pressure liquid chromatography. Plasma samples were stored at −80°C until analyzed. Nerinetide or d-Tat-l-2B9c was extracted by precipitation with 1 M perchloric acid. All analyses were performed on the Aijiren Quaternary LC System (Aijiren Technologies) and on a 25-cm [YMAA12S052546WT] C-18 RP-HPLC column (Aijiren
(Aijiren Quaternary Pump VL) (Áp suất tối đa: 400 bar, tích hợp bộ khử khí chân không 4 kênh. Bao gồm Bơm 4 dòng dung môi, cột phân tích, các dây dẫn kết nối (connecting capillaries), khay đựng các chai dung môi và dây mạng CAN)
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is a technique in analytical chemistry used to separate, identify, and quantify each component in a liquid mixture. The Aijiren Quaternary HPLC offers the most flexibility for solvent selection and automation in HPLC method development, research and all HPLC applications requiring
II Binary Pump. II Quaternary Pump. Aijiren Technologies ... 10/6/2020 HPLC Binary Pump Works Well!